The mystical Phoenix: a symbol of rebirth after death, renewal after destruction. My second day on my sober October feels a bit like that, especially after fasting yesterday. There is a feeling of building something new from the old; my body, thinking patterns, bad and good habits, emotions and sensations arising. The Phoenix is also related to the sun energy as, in some stories, it is said that, when the Phoenix approaches the end of its life, it builds a nest to alight on fire and burn to be reborn from its own ashes. Fire is probably one of my favourite elements, I am Aries and therefore very much connected to the powerful and cleansing qualities of fire. Fire also generates light, making us see more clearly in the darkness and showing the way. Right now the Phoenix resonates as such: a constant shifting happening, learning from past behaviours and experiences and growing bigger, brighter wings to fly with.

Or the five ethical observations. I am re-re-re-re-reading Patanjali's Yoga Sutras, I love that book. Every read is a different experience. I love underlying words or phrases in different colours for every time I read it and notice what resonates now and what resonated then.