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Perimenopause Update: What a difference 3 months have made

Updated: 2 days ago

It has been almost two years since I first realised that I was experiencing the onset of perimenopause. What a journey so far! My period came this morning, coinciding with the July full moon, which also happens to be a supermoon. I was waiting to see if they would come on schedule this month as well, and they have, and I am really pleased about that fact because it means that I have successfully regained a regular cycle after going through a pretty rough beginning of the year.

I know that it is only the beginning in this journey, but I am feeling very empowered knowing that, by fine-tuning some things and changing up others, I was able to improve the functioning of my endocrine system, recover a regular menstrual cycle and simply boost my overall health and well-being while going through a very unsettling time in my life. Unsettling and fascinating at the same time.

I have no doubt that the practice of hormone yoga therapy has played a major role in feeling like myself again, balancing my hormones and creating harmony in and out. I have kept on practising the sequence 3 to 4 times a week in the last three months since my last update. According to the findings that came from the small studies undertaken by Dinah Rodrigues and her team, the sequence has to be practised regularly and with consistency in order to reap and maintain the benefits; I firmly believe that. The studies showed that when women stop practising the sequence, then, after a while, their hormone levels revert to being out of whack. Her studies are not of sufficient scale to be considered as relevant, however, it makes perfect sense to me: I cannot expect to maintain results by practising this sequence for a few months, only to stop because I have successfully got my period back or feel better – it is now a part of my lifestyle.

I have also started to consciously fast around my cycle and eat to support each phase, which has been absolutely amazing. The nerdy side of myself is having a blast just finding out more about fasting and nutrition around this theme. I have decided to keep a journal for this month to map out what, how and when I do certain things influence and support my hormonal health, mental state and overall well-being. I feel that I am very tuned in already to what goes on inside me, but it is something that will be very helpful in order to gather more insights and knowledge on this very personal journey.

Also, my hair is a lot healthier and has regained some volume. The hair on the right side of my head had started thinning about a year ago. Undeterred, I decided to get a new hairstyle (I always wanted to try this one actually) and shaved the right side of my head so that I could give my hair a break while I looked into the things I could do to reverse the thinning. I figured that the regular shaving might boost the hair growth, and it has. Really chuffed about that. You can't really tell that from the pic since I recently shaved it, but the growth used to be uneven with my hair growing thicker in the back, but now it is even all over once again. I'm still keeping the hairstyle for a while though, I like it :D

Self-portrait by the river

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