Those words came to me as I sat in meditation this morning. January has been quite emotional for me, I am peeling layers after layers of my being, exploring the darkest parts of my soul. It's been challenging, challenging to my thought process, my beliefs (old and new), my relationships, the list goes on. It's also been beautiful, because exploring the darkest parts of my soul requires the brightest of light. My light.
When those words came to mind this morning, there was no negative connotation attached to them whatsoever. They came so that I could realise that, yes, I am having an emotional breakdown. I am breaking down every emotion in my being right now and paying attention to what is behind each and every one of them. It's fucking tough, and it's not pretty at times, but I wouldn't have it any other way.
I just got off the phone with my very good friend Gemma. I love her so much. We spoke about this path we have both chosen: the self-study, the inner journey to understand ourselves better and come out the other end a lighter being (shining brighter and taking off the layers that were weighing us down). What a fucking trip! It's not easy. But nothing worthwhile in this life is.