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Anahata Chakra

Updated: May 6, 2024

Pam trees in the wind

One of its mantras: I forgive and free myself of all my feelings of guilt and pain.

Heart chakra: Anahata meaning unstruck or untouched

Location: Heart centre, front and back

Vibration/resonance: YAM

Colour: Green

Element: Air

Sense: Tactile or touch

Anahata chakra is the bridge between the three inferior chakras (relating to more earthly matters) and the three superior chakras (more to do with spiritual themes). Its element is the first element invisible to the naked eye, it can only be felt, or seen in the movement it creates in nature around us. Located at the heart centre Anahata chakra is the domain of love, for oneself and others, compassion, forgiveness, empathy, healing from past experiences and, through these qualities, peace and freedom. When open and balanced, Anahata generates a deep sense of connection to all things within and around us without discrimination, as well as lightness of being and joy.

The physical parts of the body affected by this chakra are the heart and lungs and their extensions, chest, arms and hands.

Yoga poses: Any back bending pose such as Ustrasana (camel pose) or Setu Bandha Sarvangasana (Bridge pose). Hanumasana (frontal splits) and also pranayama practices.

Some essential oils to stimulate this chakra: bergamot, jasmine, lavender, rosemary, lilac, rose...

Vayu (air) mudra: bring the tip of the index finder towards the base of the thumb and fold the thumb onto the last articulation of the index finger, applying a slight pressure.

Vayu mudra


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