OK, another year, another soundtrack. I feel like I didn't listen to nearly as much music as I would have liked to this year, but it is still enough to make a list. Here we go, as always it is a mix of new and old alike, artists/bands I discovered or re-discovered in 2017:
Milky Chance - Blossom
Leon Bridges
A Tribe Called Red
Led Zeppelin - Everything (I was obsessed with them this year)
N.E.R.D - No One Ever Really Dies
Jamie Cullum - Please Don't Stop The Music
Childish Gambino - Awaken, My Love
Galimatias, Alina Baraz - Drift (I daydreamed to this song a lot this year)
Macklemore - Gemini
Snoop Dogg - Doggystyle (I hadn't listened to the entire album in ages, fucking love it!)
Nicola Cruz - Everything he touches
Mama Kin - The Magician's Daughter
Hyatus Kaiyote - Choose Your Weapon & Tawk Tomahawk
Crooked Colours - Vera (Thanks Gemma!)
Howling - Everything they do
Kollektiv Turmstrasse Some Tracks
Nicola Cruz (yep, in there twice, why not)
Mungo HiFi
Alt-J - Everything they do
Kaytranada - 99.9%
Lauryn Hill - The Miseducation Of Lauryn Hill
De La Soul- And The Anonymous Nobody (I was entranced by the song drawn for most of 2017)
I finally added a comments' box in the case that someone is actually reading :), so if you have any music suggestions, I am 100% open and always willing to discover something new. Cheers